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Not a lot

We finished off Sunday being joined by Tom, Kim and Emily from Emily Grace to consume take away pizzas aboard Dignity followed by watching the movie “The Fall” which turned out weird but fascinating.

Today we agreed to help out Tom with some stuff on his laptop. In the end it took a while as things were either old or not working (except his laptop itself which ran fine). We made some progress but not everything is fixed.

I spoke to Whangarei marina this morning and we definitely have pilings for Xmas and probably have room on the dock. We’ll be heading in on the 19th ready for Sam’s arrival on the 21st. We’ll stay there through Xmas.

Helen and I went for a walk this afternoon out to the point. It involved a little wading as it was close to high tide. We’re used to this. Sadly we saw three dead penguins washed up. No idea how they died or why they ended up here. Perhaps it’s just the currents and normal mortality. On the way back we picked up a few provisions to last us until Whangarei. I also bought some squid for bait so while we’re out we can try and catch some snapper which can eat and use the frames (I’ve learned a new word) for crayfish bait.

We’ll probably leave here tomorrow morning after picking up bread.

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