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At the foot of Franz Josef

Our plans were to have an easy day followed by a long day. With the Saturday weather forecast deteriorating and not wanting to get up at the crack of dawn on Friday to pack the tent we decided to move into one of the small cabins here. So Thursday morning was spent drying the dew […]

Roberts Point Track

For our first day by the glaciers we hiked the trail to Robert’s Point. The trail was listed as taking 5 hours and 20 mins round trip which turned out to be almost exactly right. The trail took us down river a way past Peter’s Pool and then over the first of 3 or 4 […]

Off to the glaciers

The previous days rain had cleared and the skies were clear. The day for traveling back to the west coast was promising. After breakfast we packed our still wet tent and headed off.

It was still a little chilly at first but this meant there was no humidity and we could see the southern alps […]

Cold, Wet Day

The rain didn’t let up until mid afternoon and the day stayed cold enough to allow our breath to mist. Quite a surprise after the blisteringly hot previous day. We never left the campsite. Just read and solved problems. I managed to nail an Euler Problem that had been evading success from some time but […]

Hiking and New Friends

As we were feeling a little under the weather but needful for some exercise we ended up driving part of the way to our desired destination. Rather than having to climb 800m we left ourselves about 250m to do. Even so it was a bit of a challenge. A lot of the time we were […]