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Cold, Wet Day

The rain didn’t let up until mid afternoon and the day stayed cold enough to allow our breath to mist. Quite a surprise after the blisteringly hot previous day. We never left the campsite. Just read and solved problems. I managed to nail an Euler Problem that had been evading success from some time but it required learning a little more math. I was pleased with the new knowledge and putting that one (number 66) behind me.

During the day we met a Canadian touring the country who shared some of his west coast experiences with us. We have a few things now we know we want to do.

The weather gods continue to point to the west coast so we’ll be on our way later this morning. We may go all the way to Franz Josef in one go – five and a half hours of driving. That’s back through Arthur’s Pass so we know we’re in for some stunning scenery.

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