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Bumping into friends

As it was promising to be a hot day we used the morning to head to Nadi for remaining shopping. Before catching the bus we tried the marina office and the post office for our mail. Neither were there but we dropped off the exact address we’d used at the post office in case that […]

Chance Meetings

My day was dominated by the stiffness and pain in my calves from my barefoot run the previous day. After any period of rest, getting up and walking around makes me feel like a cripple. As I type this morning it feels just as bad. Once moving around for a while things would improve and […]


In the morning both Helen and I got busy with boat work. Helen got busy vacuuming and cleaning while I worked my way through our check list in preparation for our forthcoming passage to NZ. The good news is all looks ok.

I managed to talk to UPS about one of our lost packages and […]

Back Again in Denaru

Hopefully, for the last time this year, we are back in Denaru.


We left around 8am and motored for about 1/2 hour in very light winds. We then caught a breeze, put the sails up and turned off the power. Across the flat bay we shot for a while. As Helen said, it would […]

Momi Bay

Spent the day here in Momi Day. We did a couple of washes which also meant the batteries all got a good charge. I sorted out some of our music collection which we listened to throughout the day. Not a lot else to say. Soon we’ll be off round the corner to Denaru.