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Back Again in Denaru

Hopefully, for the last time this year, we are back in Denaru.


We left around 8am and motored for about 1/2 hour in very light winds. We then caught a breeze, put the sails up and turned off the power. Across the flat bay we shot for a while. As Helen said, it would be nice if it was like this all the way down to NZ – flat, nice wind from the beam and daylight. All the way.

We arrived and ate our lunch. Clouds were coming in and a light sprinkle of rain cooled our afternoon. We decided to walk to Nadi. First we dropped off our accumulated trash from the last month and checked for the two mail items we’ve been expecting. Neither have arrived. New problems.

We made it about half the way to Nadi with thunder and lightening building nearby. As rain began to really tip down a bus stopped and we jumped on.

By the time we reached Nadi the roads were flooding. The bus couldn’t make it into the bus depot so tried a different route. We all bailed out near a supermarket. Helen and I popped in their to pick up a few things. The rain hadn’t stopped even after waiting a while. We chanced it across the river in the gutter and reached shelter on the other side of the road. We kept dry and made it to a souvenir shop where we bought some Xmas presents for friends and family.

The rain was easing by now but we’d had enough. We picked up some milk then caught the bus back to Denaru. We could see it had been raining there but nowhere near as much as the dinghy had only a small amount of water in it.

Later in the evening we went ashore to eat and watch Rugby. I was famished having had little appitite all day. In the end I ate too much and am feeling it this morning. We watched the France-v-Wales match on the big screen. Very disappointing for Wales. I can’t believe France are through. Whoever wins the NZ-Oz semi I’ll be supporting them for the final.

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