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Mansion House Bay, Kawau Island

Waking up to the sound of the starboard bilge going off I came to an immediate and, as it turned out, accurate guess as to the cause of our occasional water pressure pump activations. It was the deck shower dripping into the the stern compartment. With a small drip it takes a day or two […]


We spent about 2 hours working on our backfilling marine toilet using a combination of pumping, scraping and finding spares. The result was excellent, getting there was not. That’s enough said.

Just after high tide we moved the boat to the head of the river cutting down the distance for the next leg. We also […]

A day in Parua Bay

The day started off quite windy and the bay was choppy so we stayed aboard the morning generally relaxing. Around lunchtime we got busy (Helen before I did) sealing a leaky window, cleaning the winches, a bit of varnishing and a few other bits and pieces.

By mid afternoon the bay had settled so we […]

Parua Bay

As you can tell from the title of this blog there is no suspense regarding our outboard parts and whether or not we escaped Whangarei. We made it out but here’s our day in a little more detail.

Early morning, Brendan from the Palmer Canvas came round to adjust the straps for our blinds. They […]

Noisy Sunday

The weather did clear up enough for some outside work. I dismantled the windlass. There was some dirt, which I cleared, but the clutches looked good so I refrained from regreasing them.

We invited the Division II kids over to play on the Xbox for 3 hours. They also had a couple of friends aboard […]