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Noisy Sunday

The weather did clear up enough for some outside work. I dismantled the windlass. There was some dirt, which I cleared, but the clutches looked good so I refrained from regreasing them.

We invited the Division II kids over to play on the Xbox for 3 hours. They also had a couple of friends aboard the boat next to us on the dock so we invited them too. 5 kids on the boat made for a lot of excitement and noise. The silence was deafening when they left.

We went out for an all you can eat Mongolian for dinner and retired back on the boat to watch a rubbish movie.

All fingers and toes are crossed for our outboard parts to arrive and for the outboard to be fixed today. Then we can leave. Unfortunately the winds and sea conditions tomorrow are not conducive for escaping the river and heading east or south so we may just end up inching our way down keeping our beady eyes on the weather forecast.

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