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Last Day with the Reydens

Waking early Carrie demonstrated some mental balance by declining to joining her parents for a morning swim. Jose claimed it was a great way to wake up. I found simply waking up a great way to wake up so again felt secure in my own decision not to join them.

After breakfast we set off […]

Back to Waiheke with friends

Shortly after 9am John, Jose and Carrie arrived to join us for the weekend. They are the parents/sister of Lissa who crewed for us down from Fiji last year. Because the forecast had the wind dropping by midday we were off as soon as they were settled.

The footbridge was already open so I called […]

Shopping, movie and friends

In the morning we made a second run to Countdown to provision for the next week. We had a lot of stuff so we had to take a taxi back to the marina. Once this was all stored (freezer is now on) we headed out for lunch then on to watch a movie, The Hunger […]

Auckland Errands

Paul, having spent the night with us, was very helpful in giving me a ride to the Icom service center here in Auckland. It turned out to be a lot further away than I expected so I was very glad of the ride. On the way back he dropped me off at the lift raft […]

Auckland Celebration

We decided not to wait for the wind to pick up only to discover that the wind picked up just as we left. Perfect. We had a fantastic sail down to Auckland. There is something special about bringing your boat into a city and this was no exception.

I had a lot of excitement when […]