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Shopping, movie and friends

In the morning we made a second run to Countdown to provision for the next week. We had a lot of stuff so we had to take a taxi back to the marina. Once this was all stored (freezer is now on) we headed out for lunch then on to watch a movie, The Hunger Game, at a nearby cinema. We enjoyed it.

The afternoon was spent, mostly by Helen, cleaning the boat. In the evening we were visited by our kiwi friends Lew and Tracey who we first met on the Otago Railway. It was nice to see them again and catch up.

Today we’re off to Waiheke with another set of friends who’ll arrive this morning. Should be fun. We’re now anticipating leaving around 10am local time as the winds are forecast to drop off around midday. It means we’ll be struggling against the tide but that’s better than struggling against still air.

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