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Viani Bay

The morning was a wash out with heavy rain falling. The forecast suggested it might ease after lunch and it did. Shortly after making the decision to stay another day I made the decision to leave. The seas outside the pass were pretty uncomfortable causing Helen to demand we turn back. Knowing we were to […]

Fawn Harbour

About 7am, just after dawn, we raised our anchor and headed off. The wind was under 2 knots and the seas flat so it was pure motoring. We ran most of the way on the starboard engine in order to postpone the port engine oil change. We only ran the port engine when raising the […]

Back to Lesiaceva Point

First thing in the morning we went ashore. Helen and Sam went off for fresh veg while I obtained our coastal cruising permit. They met me at the customs office just as I finished. While they went back to the boat I headed back to the market to collect some cava for sevusevu ceremonies as […]

Another oil change

We decided to spend another day off Lesiaceva Point and to use the time to do our first oil change on one of the engines. The starboard engine is up to 46 hours of use, close enough to the 50 hours required for the first oil change.

It is of course two oil changes as […]

Oil change

Paul left the boat yesterday. I took him ashore to the nearby resort who kindly called him a taxi to take him to the airport. It was my first chance to see inside the resort, it was quite plush. I waited and chatted with Paul until his taxi arrived. This could be our last goodbye […]