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Back to Lesiaceva Point

First thing in the morning we went ashore. Helen and Sam went off for fresh veg while I obtained our coastal cruising permit. They met me at the customs office just as I finished. While they went back to the boat I headed back to the market to collect some cava for sevusevu ceremonies as we travel around the island. Sam met me at the market and on the way back to the dinghy we picked up some extra beer.

Once all were back aboard we headed back out to Lesiaceva Point where we anchored for the night.


Just when I’d been thinking the water maker hadn’t given us any trouble for some time it did. We got another salinity probe failure yesterday. We had a spare so I fitted that. During the fitting a connecter to the feed pump popped out of the control box and I couldn’t find where it had come from. On top of that, the new probe showed the same error message. Doom and gloom. I sent off an email to Spectra for help. I then went back to search again. I eventually found where the connector had come from and when I removed the probe and reconnected it it all worked. Phew. Now all I need is another spare from Spectra.

Today we’re off to Fawn Harbour. The winds are really light so it looks like we’ll be motoring all the way.

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