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Malake Island

We push on. At least Helen is doing the pushing. As I’m not feeling too well I need to be pushed to do anything at the moment. We made it across Bligh Water and behind the reef north of Viti Levu where we eventually anchored behind Malake Island.


On the way we were passed […]

Not sure where we are

Our first day’s sail from Savusavu was quite productive. We set off quite early and managed to pick up some wind. We sailed over to the Nasonisoni Passage 21nm to the WSW of Savusavu. We dropped our sails to navigated the passage which we whizzed through with about 2 to 2.5 knots of supporting current. […]

Last day in Savusavu

In the morning we went ashore to clear out and buy some fresh veg. On the way back to the boat we stopped off at a few friends to say goodbye. Amongst those we met were Gary from Inspiration Lady, George and Claudia from Dreamtime, David & Jackie from Jackster, Petr from Endless, Bruce & […]

Yet another oil change

It was time to change the port motor oil. It was on exactly 50 hours and the time was right. The weather was on and off so Sam and I took on this task. It took about the same time as the starboard engine as there was no easy easy way to optimise the task. […]