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Malake Island

We push on. At least Helen is doing the pushing. As I’m not feeling too well I need to be pushed to do anything at the moment. We made it across Bligh Water and behind the reef north of Viti Levu where we eventually anchored behind Malake Island.


On the way we were passed by a catamaran called Tiger. They anchored somewhere east of us.

Once anchored Helen goaded me into fixing the top two battens which were damaged on the way up from New Zealand. Fortunately, the top batten was shorter than the longer piece of the broken second batten so we were able to make the top batten from the second and only had to use the spares to make the second batten.

Once this was done I crashed for the remainder of the day. We ended up watching a movie over dinner before retiring for the evening.

We’ll probably press on today but not as far as yesterday.

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