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Rain & New Friends

In the morning we headed into town to pick up some savories we have been without for a while. As we were entering town we bumped into Lorenta from Canada and her cousin, also from Canada, and ended up chatting for a while. While we were talking the heavens opened on us. I realized we’d left one of the hatches open possibly thinking it was nice and sunny and we would be out for only a few minutes. So we said our goodbyes, had a mad dash around and back to the boat to save everything from getting wet. Fortunately it wasn’t too bad. Normally we’re quite religious about shutting the hatches. Can’t let this happen again.

In the afternoon I dinghyied round to “Cat Tales” a catamaran we’ve been seeing from time to time as we’ve come down the islands. We though it was fine time to say hello. Dawn and Laurie were a fun couple and readily agreed to come aboard for ‘cocktails.’ Bees Knees had been delayed in their departure by the weather so we invited them over too. Everyone stayed till quite late. A good time was had all round. Hopefully we’ll see Cat Tales again soon.

Today we’re probably off to Petit St Vincent and Petit Martinique. But who knows. We still feel pretty loose about our agenda for the next week or so.

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