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Sleepy Tyrell Bay

Once it at cooled down yesterday afternoon Helen and I went into town to clear in and walk around town. The officials at immigration turned out to be a lot of fun even though there was a lot of paperwork. We found the botanical gardens but they looked very much a work in progress so we passed on by.

We stayed the night anchored outside of Hillsborough thinking we could visit the nearby Sandy Island on the way out in the morning. When we did visit Sandy Island we found it quite choppy with winds in the 20s so we didn’t stop. We ended up in Tyrell Bay round the corner which is a lot quieter. Carriacou is very much like the caribbean as it used to be. Very laid back and not a lot going on. Some boats here have stopped for years and people taken roots.

We found a local canvas shop that will make us a dinghy cover so we’re having that done. While they were taking measurements this afternoon we had a few beers at the local places and chatted to some of the settled gringos.

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