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St David’s Bay

St David’s Bay has a dockyard/haul out facility, a chandlery, a sailmaker, a bar, a fancy little resort & restaurant and a deli. That’s it. Very out of the way and quite pleasant.

We went ashore in the afternoon to take a look around. We soon bumped into a Canadian couple, Chantal and James from the sailboat Q. They had a massive pot of food in front of them and soon invited us to share. They had been interested in how locals put together a local dish and had paid for the ingredients as long as they could watch and film them make it. Now they had enough to feed the masses.

We joined them in the bar and chatted about the usual cruiser stuff. The food was served and was very pleasant. Eventually we had to part as they needed to go back to their boat, which was already on the hard for summer, to complete some work.

We had a wander around the dockyard seeing a number of boats already lifted that we’d seen in the last few months further up the islands. We took a walk around to the deli and hotel both of which were closed for the weekend.

Back on Dignity, relieved of the need to feed ourselves and clean up after, we watched “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button” about a chap who ages backwards. Weird film but interesting.

Today we’ll head west. We need to as this anchorage is a little rolly and it’s always nicer when the waters are flat.

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