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Day Trip to St Georges

Quick synopsis of the rest of yesterday. We ran the water maker for two hours and filled our tanks. While doing this I called Spectra tech support. They decided to send us a new salinity probe free of charge plus firmware upgrade. That will go to out friends in NJ and we can take this back to the boat at the end of the month. In the afternoon the failure alarm went off again. Good job we have a new one going. Great support from Spectra. I also learned that the flush cycle continues to make water so continued fresh water flushing should eventually make battery compatible water.

In the afternoon went snorkeling. Visited a couple of nearby spots anchoring the dinghy each time. Saw a mean looking barracuda (I know – they all look mean) about 3-4 feet long.

Bees Knees turned up beside us. It seems like we’re on an elastic band. Swapped books/movies with them.

Today we took the bus into St George, the capital, with Anne and Jim. Before going we moved Dignity a little nearer to Woburn, the little town here. Bees Knees have offered to keep an eye on Dignity while we are in NJ so we invited them over to learn how to move Dignity. Don’t think they’ll need to as we’ll take a mooring ball but better to be safe than sorry.

We had a nice walk around town. Visited the market. Picked up some wine and basics. We took a look at the marina in town. Bees Knees have decided to take a dock there for the summer. We may pop in for a week or two. We want to pop down to Trinidad, maybe Venezuela, over summer so it’s not worth us booking anywhere up front.

We caught the wrong bus back to where we left our dinghies. Turns out there are two Number 2 busses. We ended up getting a bit of an island tour as a result.

Tonight we’re off to Clark’s Court Bay Marina for their burger night.


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