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Where are we?

I can answer this one in two ways. First, we’ve moved to Prickly Bay as planned. Here is our location in it’s usual format :


We’re going to keep on doing this as I think it’s nice to see these individual maps in our blog.

I gave also experimented with sending our position report to winlink and yotreps. For now I have my handheld GPS hooked up to my laptop for position data and this is transmitted whenever we send mail via winlink. This provides an extra couple of ways of seeing where we are and where we’ve been. This will be very useful when we spend significant time at sea.

Here are the two ways of looking us up (click on each) :

We’ll see how these work out over time.  For now, the Winlink service looks better as for some reason the Yotreps service is rounding our position to the nearest degree.

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