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Still not departed

A little frustrating today. At 8am I was pounding the refresh button on the satellite tracking website hoping to get confirmation that Dignity really was on her way. Most days, the uplink is near on 24 hours after the previous. Not today. So now it’s 10:23 and still no idea if she’s left or not.

The absolute best time it would take to get to the BVIs is 7 days to Las Palmas in the Canary Islands and then another 18 days to cross the Atlantic to the BVIs. If we’re really luck, that means Dignity will be ready for us on June 30th. So it’s going to be an interesting time watching her progress and trying to translate this into a realistic ETA.

The ETA factors into our contingency plans which we’ve been putting some thought into. As we arrive in the BVIs on June 22nd (six weeks after Dignity was originally due to arrive) she definitely won’t be there when we arrive. If she’s up to 7-8 days late, we’ll stay on Tortola, pack in some Scuba Diving, see some friends and do some chilling. Over 8 days we’ll look to exchange one of Dignity’s future weeks with another boat so we can be sure to get some sailing in. We’d do this the first week and then take it from there.

… later …

So I just checked again and the news is not encouraging. Dignity has not moved from Spain. Rats.

Just called the dealer. They seem to think they’re now planning on departure tomorrow.

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