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Slow Sunday

We went ashore in the morning to cross the peninsular and check on the marina at True Blue. On the way we checked in on Bees Knees on the hard but Anne and Jim seemed to be either fast asleep or absent.

The True Blue resort there was very swish but the marina was very rolly so this one is off our list. There were only two people present in the shoreside restaurant – Anne and Jim. We can’t seem to stay apart. We stayed for fresh juice and to invite them round to help us finish our food tonight (Monday).

I spent two or three hours tabularizing all our days sailing including estimating our lost tracks and came up with a distance covered to date. From the point we left the BVIs till we reached Carriacou we covered 1,261nm.

The rest of the day was just reading and a little prep for our trip to NJ. Most of our prep will be today and tomorrow.

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