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Day Off

Having been so busy for the last couple of weeks we took Sunday off and ignored all the chores on the boat. We motored around to Hogg Island where we know the waters are very flat and, of course, the beach BBQ is thrown on Sundays. As we left we waved goodbye to Cat Tales who were anchored nearby. Upon entering the anchorage by Hogg Island we motored all the way to the bridge and back to see if there were any patches where there was a decent internet signal. There weren’t so we picked the best spot, for anchoring, that we could find and settled down. We read for a few hours until Jim showed up to swap movies. We then went ashore for the BBQ where we met the Arctic Terns and ate yummy BBQ fish and veg.

Today it’s catch up. I’ve already installed the remainder of our LED lighting and mounted the phone we use for Magic Jack. I need to tidy up the junk around the boat from all the unpacking. I want to finally fix the leak in the dinghy and clean the underside and install the replacement choke knob on the dinghy. Shouldn’t take too long but all needs to be done.

We’ve also arranged to tag along with some other cruisers to watch turtles nesting Wednesday evening in the north of the island. This time of year we could be lucky enough to see turtles laying AND earlier nests hatching.

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