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Dignity sets off

So it took a few more days before Dignity did set sail. She left sometime in the morning yesterday. Right now she’s making her way across the Bay of Biscay. Distance covered each day is not great so far. I am assuming this is due to the less than ideal conditions. Once she rounds the NW tip of Portugal I’m hoping headway will improve.

I understand there are two possible stops en route. One in Portugal and one in the Canaries.

In the meantime I have found some more interesting websites.

This one is mesmerizing. It provides an animated forward prediction of wave heights. At time of writing it looks like something nasty arrives in the Bay of Biscay in a couple of days. Hope Dignity and her crew can make it out in time.

This one shows wind directions over the Atlantic. At time of writing you can see how the prevailing winds will be in our favour once we round the top of Portugal.

Final thing. The boat manual arrived today. I am going to have an excellent evening pouring over diagrams. What more could I want? A boat of course.

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