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St Georges

After sorting out the photos, compiling the video’s and writing yesterdays blog we up anchored and sailed round to St George’s. Although the forecast was for around 15 knots of wind I left in the first reef on the mainsail which was fortunate as we had sustained winds of 25 knots for a while as we headed around the SW tip of the island.

Had a little fuss coming into the ‘lagoon’ in St Georges. We were right behind another boat as we were entering who was a little hesitant about which spot to pick. He turned to port so I turned to starboard. He changed his mind and came back in front of us so I slowed down to avoid collision – technically correct as I was behind and the stand on vessel according to the rules of the road. Next he took another look at a spot to port so again I turned to starboard. The other vessel again changed their mind and this time their turn put them a little behind us. Rules of the road give us the right of way at this point. I turned slightly to head for a spot I now wanted. As the other boat passed he called me inconsiderate. Oh well. Won’t lose sleep over this one. I only mention this to fill an otherwise short entry and to highlight the high emotion that often surrounds anchoring (usually between those aboard and only sometimes between vessels).

The rest of the day was occupied with taking two of the drive batteries for a free equalization at Island Water World (great service guys), a bit of food shopping, reading, eating and a early sleep after the late night before with the turtles. Of all the capital city anchorages we’ve seen down the islands, this has to be the best although it has a slight odour and I’m now in the morning feeling a little bitten.


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