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Ronde Island

Here we are at Ronde Island. As we were leaving this morning we received a call from Jim on Heatwave. He recommended a stop at Ronde Island as it was a nice quiet anchorage along the way which we might just get all to ourselves. We took this into consideration as a possible stop. As we sailed up the west coast things went reasonably well. That was apart from loosing my biggest lure. It looked like a clean cut on the wire just above the leader and swivel. The leader was about 18 inches long so that was one big bite, if it was a bite.

The current from the east was strong despite our lunar planning. A quick tack test showed us going back along our old course so we took Jim’s advice and headed for Ronde Island. So here were are. We’re not the only ones here. There is a French boat here too. The water looks lovely and clear – especially in comparison to the waters around Grenada itself. We may swim and have a little explore ashore later in the afternoon.

The easting we made motoring here will make for an easier sail to Carriacou tomorrow.


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