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RYC to Freeport

We chose to kick off at a reasonable time on the first Wednesday (the 6th). Our plan was to reach Miramar Yacht Club which would have been a sail of 4 or 5 hours. Our thinking was that we were bound to forget one or two things and Miramar is in the middle of everything so we could stock up on anything we had missed and discovered along the way.

Bob Shaal at the helm
Bob and I drove the RYC getting there just before nine. We took quite a lot of stuff with us as we had all of our own clothes and bedding as well as Helen’s. It took two barrows to take our gear to the launch. The launch guy was quite helpful getting our gear on and off the boat which made things easier for us.

We didn’t spend any time sorting our stuff out initially; we just chucked it all below knowing we had plenty of time in the day to sort things out. We therefore were under way by 9:25am.

Orchard Shoal Lighthouse in Raritan BayThe wind was fairly light and coming right from the direction we wanted to travel so we motored. There was a lot of fog and mist so visibility wasn’t brilliant. We therefore didn’t get to see much. This stayed fairly constant all day so we motored all day. As a result we made good time and decided to make for a further port of call for that evening. We aimed for the second inlet along on the south shore of Long Island called Jones Inlet. This was a further 18 nautical miles and involved a 5nm trip up the inlet to find somewhere to stay.

That night we picked a place called Yachtsman’s Cove to moor. It looked like it had a lot of good facilities, which it didn’t, and it looked like it was in the center of things, which it wasn’t. That meant we had to use the dinghy to motor round to somewhere we could eat – 1.6nm each way. We ate at a pleasant place on the water called Otto’s Sea Grill. I had Alaskan Crab legs. Yum.

Not including our launch or dinghy ride, distance covered day 1 was 37.3nm which took 8 hours and 3 minutes.

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