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Up North

We’re now “Up North” staying with Helen’s sister Joanna and her husband Alan in a place near Manchester called Appleton.

The last couple of days have been quite interesting. The first 24 hours in the country we managed to cover, again, all our missing favourites. Wednesday lunch we had a full English breakfast. In the evening we had curry. The following morning Helen and went for a long walk and ended up in a pub where we ate fish and chips. We are really in danger of putting on some serious weight.

Yesterday evening we all went out to celebrate Emily’s (our nieces) 21st birthday by going out to yet another pub which served up great Italian food.

In amongst all this we took a trip to Tesco’s. This trip highlights the difference between shopping in the Caribbean and here in the Uk. In the Caribbean you go to wherever you are going and are simply grateful if you can find most of what you’re looking for. We went to Tesco’s principally to pick up the latest Dan Brown book. We knew they were selling it as a loss leader (less than half price) to bring people into the store. Knowing this we felt immune to the hook. We picked up our hire car first and discovered it needed fuel. Tesco’s sells fuel too. Going into the store we learned that if we spend 50 pounds we’ll save 5p a litre on the fuel. So we figured we’ll pick up some clothes we need and some wine. There was a deal on for 3 bottle for 10 pounds and sparkling wine was half price so we bought a bottle of that. Then we saw that we’d save another 5% if we bought six bottles so another 2 bottles went into the basket. By the time we left we’d spent over 70 pounds having intended to go in just for a book.

This morning we drove up from Chesham to here – about three hours. We were fed a fine roast dinner on the basis they don’t eat like this normally but as they had guests ……

We’ve been out for a walk to lose a small fraction of the mass we’ve eaten recently stopping off for beer in a nice pub. Not a lot planned for the next day. We’ll begin our trip to Cornwall on Monday.

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