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We had a nice Sunday with Joanna and Alan. We had a nice lazy morning reading, chatting, looking at their bees. In the afternoon we we drove to Tatton Park for an extended walk which was nice.

In the evening we had a meal whereby we fried meats and veg on a hot plate, Japanese style. This worked very well.

This morning we began our trek south. We’re due in Cornwall tomorrow so today we broke our trip by diverting to Wells in Somerset. It’s known as the smallest city in England. It qualifies as a city by possessing a cathedral.

We arrived around midday, parked the car and wondered into the city center. We immediately recognised the area at the end of the high street from a movie we’d seen. It took us a while to remember it was “Hot Fuzz.”

We took a guided tour of the cathedral. It’s always amazing to see old cathedrals. I can’t imagine anyone affording to build a stone building of such intricacy today.

We’ve settled into the White Hart Hotel, an old coach house, for the evening. We’ll probably eat out tonight.

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