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The main event, at least for me, was going to see the “Classic” cricket match in the afternoon. Helen decided to stay aboard and clean up some more while I picked up Jim from Bees Knees to go to see the match. I have to admit as an Englishman this was the first cricket match I have ever watched live and the first I’ve ever watched all the way through. It was a match of 20 overs each so it was not going to be too long a game.

I must also confess to not recognizing most of the names. As far as I could tell there was no match pamphlets so I had to capture the names by taking photos of the score board. The World IX included Andrew Caddick, Stuart Law, Niall O’Brien, Rob Bailey, Craig White, Derek Randall, Devon Malcolm, Peter Such and Nick Cook. The West Indies included Winston Benjamin, Vasbert Drakes, Raul Lewis, Phil Simmons, Keith Arthurton, Sir Viv Richards, F Stephenson and Andre Fletcher. Viv Richards (batsman in picture to right) was about the most recognizable name to me but some of the rest were familiar.

The game concluded with the West Indies beating the World IX by 5 wickets. After the match Jim and I walked back to our dinghy and I dropped him off at the dock where he is now moored again ready to fly to the US next week. Shortly he joined us aboard Dignity for a farewell dinner. Most of the friends we have made down the islands have left Grenada now, Jim is one of the first and last so this was a special Au Revoir. Helen as usual cooked a fine curry which was enjoyed all round.

We finished the evening looking for shooting stars followed by watching an episode of “The Fringe” which we’ve just go into.

That may have been our last evening in Grenada for some time. It all now depends on our being able to get hold of our consignment in time.

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