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Day 0 – Arrival

Traveling to the BVI was no problem. We left reasonably early to avoid any last minute issues but the road traffic was no problem and the self-serve check in seemed to have eliminated the queues (lines) we are used to at Newark. Thus we had a bit of a wait in the departure lounge but that was ok as we were in good company.

We had a 5 hour wait in San Juan, Puerto Rico between flights so we dropped off our hand luggage and headed into the old town. We asked the taxi driver to drop us off at a good local restaurant which he did.

After lunch we walked along the coastal road a fort called “Castillo San Felipe del Morro” which we entered and explored. It was quite interesting to see a little Caribbean history from the Spanish point of view. In particular, reading about Francis Drake made him sound a bit of a failure.
Back to the airport and the excitement mounted as we were now approaching the time we would finally get to set foot on Dignity. Our flight to the BVIs left about 10 mins late and took a while to take off as there was a line of airplanes ahead of us. Immigration / Customs was conducted on “Island Time” which means things took their time. Finally through this we found a taxi waiting for us to take us to Nanny Cay.And finally – we are here. Dignity was the first boat we came to on the dock. Helen walked straight past her as she was expecting a smaller boat – despite having seen several before. Anne and John were very impressed and pointed out the photos they have seen don’t do her justice.The only fly in the ointment is that there is some work going on in the rear starboard cabin and there’s a smell of diesel in that cabin. Good job there’s just the two couples. We arrived too late to talk to the engineers about this but will do in the morning.After unpacking and having a good look around the boat we headed off to Peg Legs where we had a couple of lethal Painkillers each and ate a delicious pizza & some appetizers. After this we crashed. We needed it.Keep an eye on our BVI 2008 Photo Album as we’ll be updating this when we can.

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