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Day 1 – First full day aboard. Peter Island.

I woke up this morning with the realization we were finally aboard Dignity – our future home. The weather was looking a little miserable but that didn’t matter. While I waited for everyone else to wake up I Skyped my parents who are currently living in South Africa. Video conferencing is a great way to stay in touch. Even better when you have the BVIs as your background.

As we approached 8am the folks from CatCo began to arrive. We soon learned there had been a bit of a misunderstanding (seems to have been mine). They hadn’t expected us the previous day and it was my call to find out where the boat that let them know we were coming. The staff at CatCo had made Dignity clean and livable for us at very short notice but they hadn’t had the time to complete some repair work. There was a fuel leak on the hose leading into the top of the starboard fuel tank.Hats off to the CatCo staff. The repairs were completed mid-morning so we were given our boat briefing by Craig and we departed approximately 11am. Our original plan had been to go to Deadman’s Cay, Peter Island and meet up with Leu Cat around noon. We had been advised that due to the weather, Deadman’s Cay would be an inadvisable stop so we went to Great Harbour, Peter Island instead. Along the way we made several attempts to contact Leu Cat on our prearranged channel but were not successful. So we missed our rendezvous. David – if you’re reading this – apologies.We found a spot to anchor very close to the isthmus between Great Harbour and Sprat Bay. We quickly had a sandwich for lunch before taking the dinghy around to Peter Island Resort where Helen and Anne were due to receive their Xmas presents – a 90 minute aromatherapy massage.

The weather was still providing us intermittent showers. The distance between the docks and Peter Island and the spa was quite a bit further than we expected and we were caught out in the rain again. I ran ahead and the others managed to pick up a lift on one of the resort transports.

John and I left the wives to their pleasures and headed back to the boat where we performed quality assurance activities on the beers. Helen and Anne very much enjoyed their massage.

We ate aboard that evening with barbecued chicken, burgers and salad. We retired around 10pm and slept very well again. One point of note was that our anchor dragged around 50 feet overnight as the wind had picked up and we obviously didn’t have the best purchase.

All in all, a good first day aboard.

Day 1 Google Earth Track

1 comment to Day 1 – First full day aboard. Peter Island.

  • Tony N-W

    Hi Steve!! Congrats – lovely blog and website – I wish I knew how to do that as I’m taking a boat over to Norway next month and it’d be great to post as I go.

    Hey ho – enjoy the islands and give me a call if you get across to Road Town – the Cabanon for example is a great meeting spot!

    best – Tony

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