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Day 4 – Anegada

Another early start today. We set sail for Anegada around 6:30am and arrived by 8:30 and managed to get a choice mooring close to Anegada Reef Hotel. We hired a car and toured the island. We snorkeled from Loblolly Bay and had beers and cocktails on Cow Wreck Bay.

This evening dinner is ashore with all of us having some combination of lobster and/or steak.

Later ….

This afternoon we realized the boat next to us was the Festiva Lagoon 440 captained / admiraled by Frank and Lynn who looked after us in St Martin 2 years ago. We hailed them on the VHF and they were soon over and we were catching up on past experiences and future plans. It was great meeting up with them as we missed them two times on our last trip to the BVIs. They were well and seem to be ready to move on to the Pacific soon. They come from Knysna in South Africa. They sailed up to the Caribbean a few years back and have been working with Festiva since then building up for their next leg. They have their own boat on the hard in Grenada. Soon they’ll be off. Another couple we hope to meet again in some future port.

Dinner was good. Anegada lobster really is the best.

Day 4 Google Earth Track

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