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Addendum to 149nm

Forgot to mention sailing conditions and location. We have achieved the 15-20 knot wind forecast for a number of hours but much of the time it’s been 13-15. Wind has been right from behind almost all the way except for a few hours when it clocked about 15 degrees to the north. The seas have been a gentle 3-5 feet making for a nice ride. We left the Code Zero up overnight. In fact we’ve been on a starboard tack (ie, sail out to port) ever since we hoisted it. By current reckon we’ll jibe late this afternoon.

Overnight we regenerated all the way through. We filled up our jerry can with fresh water and made water for three hours to top up everything. All is now charged. Regen is off to help maintain speed as the winds are down a little at the moment. Solar is taking up the slack. One reason to jibe this afternoon is to put the Code Zero on the northern side of the boat so we can benefit from the afternoon sun.

Here is where we are right now.


At 11/14/2009 14:51 (utc) our position was 12°55.24’N 071°08.59’W

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