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Repairs, shopping and happy hour

Wednesday morning was taken up with having our freezer and air cons looked at. Around 9am I went ashore principally to pick up our passports and paperwork from the agent/fixer. At the same time I mentioned we wanted to get hold of the guys who fix freezers. Ours runs continuously and I suspected it needed a freon recharge. Davide immediately called the freezer guys and asked me to hang around as they were now on their way.

They arrived within 15 minutes and I dinghied them out to our boat. The freon turned out to be way down. It’s pressure was 4 somethings as opposed to 10 somethings. They slowly recharged the unit carefully checking for leaks which they could not find. They also deduced that the thermostat was faulty so this was replaced. I also had them look at a couple of our A/Cs. We don’t use them much, if at all, but it was a good opportunity to have them examined. The one in our hull has a temperamental start. This turned out to be air in the pump caused by a small leak. Now I know this I know how to get it going as well as what to focus on to repair it properly.

In the starboard forward cabin the A/C was dead as a doornail. They removed the control circuitry to have the local electric wizard take a look.

I haven’t yet spotted the freezer motor switch off so who knows.

Early afternoon I responded to a request for help from someone trying to hook up a VCR and DVD together. It turned out he needed a remote to control the VCR to see the DVD. We ended up chatting and I learned a lot about the San Blas where we’re heading in December.

After this Helen and I walked a couple of miles to the Caribe Plaza mall. It looked like just about any other mall but it did have a large supermarket where we picked up some provisions.

Back on the boat we had scant minutes to clean up before heading back to the dinghy dock to head off to a local restaurant for happy hour. We bumped into Dianne and Gerald who were on their way back having found the place empty. They had gone half an hour too soon which explained things. We all went their together to find the place very unempty. We had a good time their and ended up eating pizza there too.

Finally our windgen seems stuck in Bogota. This may mean some beaurocracy ahead of us so that will be our focus this morning.

At 11/17/2009 12:27 (utc) our position was 10°24.47’N 075°32.54’W

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