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Day 6 – Water

We seem to be low on water despite being very careful (we think). Dignity doesn’t have the largest water tanks in the fleet but something makes us think they may not have started full. So this morning we went searching for water. We had heard that Little Harbour on Jost Van Dyke had water so we motored round there only to find they had none. We decided to head over to Soper’s Hole which we knew had water as there was a charter base there and a fuel dock.

On the way over from Jost Van Dyke I felt I was getting the real feel of sailing Dignity. In 18 knots of wind, about 60 degrees off the bow I had her sailing at 8 knots generating 12A per engine. I love sailing through the small channel between Great Thatch and Soper’s hole as it involves tacking back and forth against the wind up a narrow but deep channel. The bottom comes up so close to the shores that it feels like you’re about the ram the shore before each tack. Very exciting.

We filled up with water at Soper’s Hole and had sandwiches aboard. In the afternoon we sailed back over to Jost Van Dyke to anchor in White Bay – perhaps the best beach in the BVIs. When we arrive the anchorage was a bit busy but we managed to find ourselves a spot to anchor reasonably near the beach.

John and I swam ashore and walked to the east end of the beach where we had a beer at Ivan’s. Walk back we bumped into Helen and Anne who had swum ashore. We went to the Soggy Dollar Bar for Painkillers as this is the bar they (alegedly) originated.

Dinner tonight is on the boat.

 Day 6 Google Earth Track

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