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New Year on BBQ Island

The final morning of 2009 saw us raising anchor and leaving Green Island for the Eastern Holandes. The wind was between 10 and 15 knots and we had a perfect sail. The lines were out but sadly no fish.

Arriving at the “Swimming Pool” we discovered a strong current of around 2 knots ploughing through the area. When we tried swimming off the back of the boat we could only hold our position relative to the boat – it was that strong. We spent an hour or so putting together some old music tracks for the beach party as someone had some speakers but needed something to provide sound. We had an old MP3 player which fit the bill.

Helen cooked up a delicious prawn/shrimp curry for our last meal of the decade. Shortly before 8pm we headed ashore and began the evening festivities as folks arrived in their dinghies. It was a magical evening with much chatting and dancing and more than a little wine. Midnight came and fireworks and flares were let off to the sound of Auld Lang Syne. Quite a different New Years celebration from any we’ve had before.

Back on Dignity we partied on playing more of the music we’d put together and dancing on the decks in the light of the full moon.

We’re out of here today. The current is still running strong so we’ll look for somewhere at the western end of the Holandes Cays tucked behind one of the islands hopefully away from the current.



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