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First swim in the Pacific

After all this time since transiting, yesterday marked our first swim in the Pacific.

The day started with a bit of boat work. I raised a shelf in our outside lockers so we could put the spare gasoline cans in there. We used to have them in a bow locker but fumes used to make their way into the boat from time to time.

After this we headed ashore. We knew it was just past high tide so we left the dinghy on the beach close to the water and headed off for a walk around the island. We walked over to the north side and headed over towards the airport. Near there we found a few shops and some fancy hotels near the beach. We walked the beach for a while before heading back. By now our dinghy was far from the surf but it was an easy affair to drag it into the water.

Back on the boat I completed the job of wiring up the chart plotter to our Omega TV Link hiding the new video cable out of the way. Then came lunch, a snooze and then John and I were off snorkeling.

What is immediately apparent is the difference in fish. For the last year we’ve become used to the denizens of the Caribbean. While there is much variety, the same crew dominate. Now, there are quite new species to be found. Even the fish that we’ve seen before are different. The flow of salt water fish from one side of the isthmus to the other must be quite rare – perhaps via bird, or separation by land mass movement so the populations have probably had millions of years to diverge from their common ancestors. The sergeant majors are clearly different as are the parrot fish.

The only downside to the swim was the water being a little murky, being stung by jelly fish larvae and there being no lobsters to take home for dinner.

It’s funny being right here. I mentioned earlier we’re near the islands where the three Panama Survivor shows were filmed. We can see the beach where the challenges took place. That means the contestants could quite easily see where we are with all the fancy island mansions, hotels and boats. Perhaps on a clear day they would get to see Panama City 40 miles away. Hardly that remote. In a day or two we’ll head south and see the place a little closer, perhaps anchoring there for the evening.

Today I hope to rest a little as I’ve had a pain in my shoulder building up over the last couple of days. Probably a pulled muscle or something but it needs to calm down. The winds remain calm at present so we wont be moving today.

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