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Isla Jicaron

As daylight increased yesterday we saw that our position in the channel between the islands was about the choppiest (unlike the previous evening) so we made a quick decision to shift the boat a little further to the north. This was a little better but still not comfortable. However, it bought us time to explore the beach on Isla Jicarita.

Before we were able to lower the dinghy a park vessel came by and started asking questions, in Spanish. Knowing that stiff fees could be charged for anchoring in the park I went through charades to explain we needed sleep and would be on our way to Isla Secas the following day. They gave us consent for this and went off. We don’t really know what we agreed to but it seemed ok.

John and I visited the nearby beach leaving Helen who preferred to stay aboard the bumpy boat and read. The beach was fairly interesting. We followed a dry river bed into the island a short way before returning. Pictures were taken.

Once we’d returned to Dignity we up anchored and headed around to the north of Jicaron where we found a more comfortable anchorage.


Having had lunch along the way (some great home made french bread rolls) we all went ashore to explore the much larger to be found at this new location. We found three small streamlets (two of which we dammed). In the jungle we could hear howler monkeys from time to time. The place was deserted and had to be one of the most picturesque we’ve been to if not the most. Pity we didn’t take our cameras ashore. We found a nice long stick which we used to bring down four coconuts which we took back to the boat. We were able to open one from which we were able to drink the water and eat the meat.

Not wanting to attract any nasty fines we set off this morning around 6am for Islas Secas. The wind has failed to exceed 5 knots so we’re motoring without sails. The currents haven’t been too bad yet although we’ve had about half a knot against us. With a bit of luck we’ll get some wind later today to assist otherwise we’ll just motor all the way there. We are hoping to find somewhere that’s good enough to stay for a few days and relax – hopefully Islas Secas will be it.

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