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Hot Day

There had been a little rain the previous night, the first we’d seen in a long while. The preceded a warm an muggy day.

Our first excursion was ashore to the nearby beach to follow the trail starting at the stops by the tiki hut. The trail was a mixture of manicured sections (it looked like) interspersed with sections where it was not so easy to see where the path led. The path went up and down several times which with the careful steps we had to take when the footing wasn’t so secure built up quite a sweat. At one point we reached a fork in the path where it looked as though one option took us broadly back towards the boat and the other further along the island. We took the ‘further’ turn and eventually found ourselves in a delightful little lagoon/bay on the other side of the island.

We loitered here for a while with all of us spending time in the water to shed heat. On the way back we took the other path and found that it did indeed lead to a beach that we could see from the boat. To get to the dinghy though we had to clamber over some rocks that separated the beaches.

That was the morning. In the afternoon we dug out the hookah and set it up. We again headed off to the small island NW of us this time exploring it from below. I did see one lobster in the same place and probably the same one as the previous day. It was way to small to capture though.

Helen’s underwater sickness kicked in and she was good to last until we got back to the boat. John and I stayed in the water for another half hour to scrape barnacles off the bottom. More and more it can be seen that Grenada Marine did a very bad job of the paint work as some areas are already down to the primer while others look as it should. I’m now wondering if they even used all the paint we left them. We now know why other cruisers watch the yards while they do the work.

Just before going to sleep the weather turned. The wind picked up and it began to rain hard. Hopefully this will mean some of the moisture has been taken out of the air.

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