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Isla Cavada

John and I decided to use a couple of tanks of air and go scuba diving in the morning. As ever, it’s the preparation that takes far more time than the dive but time is what we have. The point we chose was at the east end of Isla Pango, just over a mile from where Dignity was anchored.

The dive itself was interesting. Mostly at 45 feet but descending to a colder and murkier 70 feet at one point. I decided to turn back early because I was a little concerned about some changes in current I felt. Good thing we did as the current became quite strong by the time we reached the dinghy anchor.

After lunch we cleared all our gear away and moved Dignity around to the north side of Isla Cavada. Here there is a posh resort if you can call it that. What it is is a few expensive tents. We’ll have to look it up to see what it’s all about. The surprising thing was was that we could pick up an internet connection. Unfortunately the signal was poor and we accomplished little using it. We could have moved the boat but we’re 99% certain we’ll get a good pickup at Boca Chica later today so we left the internet for another day.

John and I went out for a long snorkel. Helen stayed behind having received a report from John along the way of seeing a sea snake. The water in places was almost too warm. We swam up to and crossed a nearby sandy isthmus between two sections of the island and continued our snorkel on the other side. Our sea snake and lobster count (dive and snorkel) was coincidentally identical and so for another day we had no lobster for dinner.

We were treated to a georgeous horizon touching sunset over the isthmus right between the two sections of island.


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