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Puerto Jiminez

The morning started with my heading ashore to accomplish a couple of items. First stop was to talk to see if the possibility of having our tanks filled was still on. It was. Tim was going to drop them off for us and we could pick them up as we left the bay. It also turned out that one of the neighbours who used their wireless network had been having problems for a bit so I popped over there to sort it out as I was heading that way anyway. All it needed was a power cycle of all the equipment. She sort of knew this but wasn’t aware of all the things to turn off and on. That sorted I headed off to the port captains office to obtain our national zarpe (coastal clearance papers).

There I was reminded I needed to have a copy of our customs clearance so I had to walk to the copy shop I had visited on the first day to obtain the copy. Just in case I took three copies. Back at the port captains office he had already prepared our clearance paperwork which he gave in return for one of the copies. After picking up a couple of loaves of bread it was back to the boat and we were soon off to the beach area.

We anchored near where we were told the tanks would be and John and I dinghied ashore. It was approaching low tide and the shore at this point was more mud than sand. It was slightly unpleasant walking through the fine mud to the shore. We found the house soon enough but learned it would take another 45 minutes to fill the remaining tanks. We wandered around for a bit but killed most of the time back on the boat.

On our subsequent return to the shore our tanks were ready and soon we were off. We had feared yet more motoring to Port Jiminez but soon the wind picked up and we were able to hoist the sails and sail all the way.


We soon went ashore to explore the town. It is quite different to Golfito. Port Jiminez is a lot more focused on tourism with plenty of places offering fishing trips and tours into the interior of the peninsula. Having done some research, we’ll do our Osa Peninsula hiking from Bahia Drake which we’ll go to tomorrow. We’ll spend one more day here taking a closer look at things. We’ll visit some of the art stores here and maybe eat out tonight.

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