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A day aboard

Yesterday was one of those days where we never put the dinghy into the water. They are rare but they happen from time to time. I managed to extend the connectivity of my GPS units. I’d bought a couple of switches in Panama City which I used so that I could GPS connectivity between either of my two handheld GPSs or the chart plotter. Now I can select which one routes through to the PC and the radios. I’m saying radios as I’ve not fed the selected GPS signal into the SSB as well as the VHF so either unit can send out the GPS coordinates if we activate the emergency signal. This all means I have a lot more redundancy on the navigation side. I can keep the two mobile GPS units in the microwave so we’ll always have some level of backup. As ever with boat projects what seemed simple took hours.

Helen spent some time reordering and moving some of our supplies around. John tried his hand at fishing from the boat but had no luck.

Today our plan is to head off to Isla Canos for some diving and return here before dark.

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