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Getting shore in the morning was far easier than leaving the previous afternoon. We hauled the dinghy up to the tree line and chained it securely to a tree. We didn’t have to wait too long for our bus to Jaco. Our first stop was the beach to make sure we had our places booked with the surf school. With an hour to wait we explored the high street.

Shortly after 11am (they’re always late) Helen, Jess and Ben started their lesson while John and I went out on our rented boards. We were given smaller boards this time which turned out to be a lot more difficult to get up on. Soon the rest of the family were out on the water with the same trainer that I had and from what I could see they all did pretty well. Jess’s turn ended a little sooner when she collided with someone else who was making their way back to the surf. The other lady ended up with a sliced ear. While Jess was ok she was a little shook up and decided to end her day there.

After all the surfing we had a late lunch/early dinner before catching the 4pm bus and heading back to the boat.

We’ve decided to have a little more variety so rather than stay here another day we’ll be off soon to Islas Tortuga for some snorkeling and maybe diving. The day after we’ll make the short hop to Playa Curu where we can hike inland.

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