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John: Day 3

3am starts have become the norm now and I had a nice treat. One hour watching a nearly full moon set, another hour of brilliant stars and to finish the shift off an hour of watching the sunrise.

It was a great playing around with my cameras again and getting familiar with the manual settings.

Our small bird didn’t make it, Mum found him on the deck in the morning, I think we were all quite sad. Our big sea bird had a run in with our wind gen before my shift and ended up in the sea as well. I didn’t see that one, but Steve seemed upset with that one.

No wind again, but the waves now look like waves and not like an endless carpet of silk.

No fish again, I’m sure someone is hiding them from us.

Over 3 days of no land, but it’s strangely relaxing, it’s like our long day sails all rolled into one.

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