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John: Day 6

Usual 3am start, not a lot happened. Most of the videos I converted and put on my media player failed halfway through, I so gave up on that idea and got the laptop out to watch at least one of them.

Saw some dolphins when handing over the watch to Mum, they cam to the bow and hung around for a couple of mins and then went away.

Our 3 seabird left this morning and we haven’t seen them since, they had left a right mess on the front of our boat, Steve cleaned up the best he could, as its quite rolly at the moment. Not ideal conditions to be holding a hose in one hand and a brush in the other, while be bounced all around by the ocean.

Tomorrow we should be going across the equator, Steve wants all of us to jump in and swim the final few feet to the southern side.

Land fall in 2 days, unless something spectacular goes wrong with the boat or if Mum tries to plot in a short cut….hahaha only joking Mum.

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