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Sat May 24 11:45GMT (8:45am Thu ship time)

33°28.5’N 51°36.9’W
SOG (Speed over Ground): 7.2 knots
Heading: 070
Distance from Bermuda: 662nm
Distance to Horta: 1,156nm

Just woken up. Nearing the end of our fourth day at sea. It feels like a lifetime. Right now we’re being overtaken by a cold front. It is raining. Speed is down. Behind the front we’re expecting a a further diminishing of wind speeds. As I write the rain is really picking up. While on watch last night it was dry. Looks like someone else got drenched. I’ll find out when I go up.

The only drama yesterday was that the data link for the satellite phone failed. We tried installing the software on my laptop and had similar results. John has a Mac and was running the software under Xp emulation which could have been causing problems. Seeing the same issue on my PC eliminated a lot of variables. Given that the data modem drew it’s power from the phone I conjectured that perhaps it was diminishing power that was the issue. We recharged the phone to full capacity and voila. It was amazing to watch everyones spirits lift when the mail came in and we all got to read our messages from home. Hopefully today’s communications will be on time.

That’s all for now.

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