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Steve: Day 14

825nm to go.

On day 14 we had some delicious wind powered bread. By wind powered I mean that it was needed and cooked electrically in the bread maker using power from the boat which in turn was collected through the props the night before. Without going to the bother of figuring it out I wonder what the true cost of cooking the load is. Ignoring wear and tear, the extra juice would come at the cost of extended regen time which in term extends the duration of the trip. My guess is the bread cost us somewhere around 10 minutes.

Spent the daylight hours recovering our lost overnight line by sailing wing on wing. The zig-zag continues. Because I write this on day 15 I can say that the wind has shifted 10-15 degrees to the south and we’re only off by a bit this morning. Less zagging to do today. Speed was off a bit but we’ve still made about 153nm point to point in 24 hours (further if you count distance actually traveled). We’re remain on course for a daytime arrival on the 1st. In my recent blogs I’ve been referring to the rhumb line when I really meant great circle route. They’re not the same thing. The rhumb line is the route which keeps you at a constant bearing to the lines of latitude. This ends up not being the shortest route – simply the easiest to navigate. In this day and age of GPS we aim to sail the great circle routes which are the shortest point to point but the bearings vary as one goes.

I’ve finished reading all of the Sherlock Holmes short stories and am now working my way through the longer ones. Currently on The Hound of the Baskervilles.

We lost another lure today despite being quick off the mark when the nut dropped. I’m now thinking than the lines have been in the water for so long and been tangled too much and may have small dinks which are giving way. I’ll replace them and use the same line from which we made the hand line for Leu Cat.

That’s about it. I’ve managed a blog without once mentioning those pervasive, nasty, stinking flying fish.

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