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Steve: Day 15

686nm to go.

I changed the year old trolling lines for new lines – the same as we put on the line we gave to Leu Cat (that has been catching tuna). I made up a new lure to replace the latest loss the same as the lure we gave. The lines were out all day. How much did we catch? Zip.

Winds are beginning to die on us getting into the 15 knot range. Without our Code Zero our progress is not what we’d like it to be and hopes for a May 1st arrival are now being stretched. It’s still possible but we’ll need favourable winds for the next four days and right now it’s not happening. Such is life. The light winds mean we’ve been unable to regenerate effectively overnight. Not in of itself a problem as if winds do pick up we’ll catch up on what we’ve used in a day or two. The additional effect is we’re seeing less benefit from the wind generator.

Finished “Hound of the Baskervilles” and now onto “A Study in Scarlet”.

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