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Helen: Day 19

Another day of pleasant sedate sailing. Steve set up the ETA countdown on our display. In the afternoon our ETA was around 77 hours. That’s only three more days. We could make it before sunset of May 3rd.
At the end of my night shift our eta was around 79 hours. Are we in the twilight zone!!!

1 comment to Helen: Day 19

  • Helen, Steve, John, Hope you are having fair winds now.

    I’ve been following the transit to the Marquesas Islands — yours, that of Dave and Mary Margaret on “Leu Cat”, that of several others, and that of Alan/Adam/Will on s/v “William T. Piquette” (KJ4QYH,, “EYE of the World”)). Alan Stewart is my son.

    Alan/Adam/Will are close to arriving at Fatu Hiva. You seem to be a day or so behind them. And Dave and Mary margaret are farther out still.

    I was wondering if you have talked to Alan lately by radio (the “barefoot net”? ).

    The most recent position and status reports I have heard from Alan was
    April 30, 1:30am EDST ( S 10 22′, W 134 25′ ) which was 226 miles due east of Fatu Hiva.

    Their SPOT Messenger was surprisingly reliable across the Pacific, but their most recent SPOT position report was
    April 29, 7:39am EDST ( S 10.36829, W 132.71358.)

    Perhaps the EYE crew will make landfall today (May 2) and have a WiFi connection. I understand that HF radio stations are rather distant from Fatu Hiva.

    For e-mail communications Alan has his HAM license and is using WinLink. Your FindU map and WinLink Position Report map both look good.

    Meanwhile, back here in North Carolina the time now is 9:27am (Eastern) May 2.

    Thanks for any news about the William T. Piquette,
    — Paul Stewart

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