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June 2

At about 5:20pm on Saturday, May 31st we arrived in Horta. Horta. As I have discovered you haven’t sailed until you’ve sailed to Horta. This isn’t just any old marina. Boats are rafted up four deep, all mostly transients. This is the fourth most frequented marina in the world – many boats passing through – nobody staying long – everyone has come from the Caribbean or Bermuda. We are surrounded by sailors who have crossed the Atlantic. Everyone you say hello to has done the same. It’s a shared camaraderie which is priceless.

Since arrival we’ve put 110% into decompressing. Saturday night went into Sunday morning as we filled our skins at Peter Sports Bar – a must stop visit for all sailors. We met other ARC sailors as well as many none ARC sailors including the crew of Summer Breeze we had passed in the oceon. The conversation and beer flowed.

Sunday morning was one of discovery. I won’t name names but one crew member discovered he had fallen on his face the night before. One discovered he really was not at all well. Fortunately I remembered to put down a couple of pints of water before sleeping so I was pretty good in the morning.

John and I went to the supermarket for groceries. We now have a full fridge and fresh fruit and bread on the table.

The evening descended into a party starting on Windancer and ending on Kalliope, the ARC boat that finished first.

Today we are going to climb a nearby hill the return to boat chores. Laundry, cleaning and fixing are all in order.

The following is the missing piece from our trip. For everyone’s views please visit the Windancer blog at

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