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Day 21 – The Indians, Nanny Cay

Our last full day began with Ben and I heading back to Willy T’s to see if we could find his tee-shirt that Ben had lost in the water the previous evening. We both saw the tee-shirt as soon as we jumped in and Ben was able to dive down and get it. There was no rush today as we did not have far to travel. Around 10:30 we motored about half a mile to a less windy mooring so we could grill the last burgers and a few sausages for lunch. Turned out to be not to bad a snorkeling spot as well.

After lunch we motored over to The Indians where we had our last dive. This was our final dip in the water. This was a great finale as the marine life was abundant. The whole area was inundated with bait fish with larger fish and herons having their fill.

The final sail back to Nanny Cay was less than 5 miles and was over very quickly. While we were sad this was the beginning of the end of our trip, we were all very much looking forward to the showers at Nanny Cay which were the best we’ve come across.

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